Sisu Dog Sporting Club of Northern Minnesota
Article 1: Name
The name of this Club shall Be “Sisu Dog Sporting Club of Northern Minnesota”
Article 2: The object of the Club
To further the advancement of positive dog ownership. To do all in its power to advance the interest of dog sports and to encourage sportsman like competition at dog events. To conduct sanctioned shows and performance events under the rules and regulations of the United Kennel Club.
Article 3: Financial
The members of this Club shall adopt and may as needed revise such Bylaws and Code of Ethics as may be required to carry out these objectives.
Article 1: Name
The name of this Club shall Be “Sisu Dog Sporting Club of Northern Minnesota”
Article 2: The object of the Club
To further the advancement of positive dog ownership. To do all in its power to advance the interest of dog sports and to encourage sportsman like competition at dog events. To conduct sanctioned shows and performance events under the rules and regulations of the United Kennel Club.
Article 3: Financial
- The Club shall not be conducted or operated for profit.
- No part of any profit, residue from dues, or donations to the Club shall be used to the benefit of any member or individual.
- No Board member shall receive a salary or financial incentives for holding such position.
- Members may request reimbursement for materials purchased for the club with their own finances. For reimbursement to be given a receipt must be presented to the Board and a simple majority vote must be obtained at the next club meeting.
The members of this Club shall adopt and may as needed revise such Bylaws and Code of Ethics as may be required to carry out these objectives.